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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • maj-viktor


    Ahogy írtam... lejárt az ali-s 60napos szállítási határidő, dispute-ot nyitottam! Lejárt ez a határidő is, most átváltott ugye ali-s kivizsgálási körbe...

    Status:Dispute escalated
    Reminder: The dispute has been escalated. Your dispute will be submitted to our Case Management Team. We will contact you at the complaint center as soon as possible.
    Please sign in to the complaint center to view more details about your dispute, and follow the dispute process.
    Learn more about dispute policy

    Illetve kaptam egy ilyen e-mailt is:
    "Aliexpress Dispute Request Received

    Dear Viktor,

    We have received your dispute for Order No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We will begin to investigate this dispute in a fair, impartial, and transparent manner.

    Please sign in to the Complaint Center to view the latest status of this complaint as soon as possible.

    1.If your ordered products are not received:
    Please be assured that your payment is safe and you will be refunded if the package is not delivered within 60 calendar days. However, full refund is not available if your order was not delivered due to factors within your control, e.g. if you refuse customs clearance etc.
    Please note: Due to changes of customs policy, there’re lots of shipping delays from China Post. This situation starts from this September and it does not end until now. The shipping time is temporarily extended from 60 calendar days to 90.

    2.If the received products are not to your satisfaction:
    Please provide clear pictures or videos to support your claim to the Complaint Center.

    If and when you do receive the goods with satisfaction, please cancel this dispute in the Complaint Center. When dispute is cancelled, the order would be closed with payment released to the seller.

    AliExpress Case Management Team
    2013.10.30 02:08"

    Ezt kiemelném:
    Please note: Due to changes of customs policy, there’re lots of shipping delays from China Post. This situation starts from this September and it does not end until now. The shipping time is temporarily extended from 60 calendar days to 90.

    JunkieeeBoy.blog.hu - FaceBook.com/MadeInCsajna & FaceBook.com/DronHUN

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