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  • Kékes525


    Egy nagyon jó összefoglaló: [Assessment of the further emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron VOC in the context of the ongoing Delta VOC transmission in the EU/EEA, 18th update]

    "However, based on modelling predictions, and depending on the growth advantage and level of immune escape, the Omicron VOC is likely to become the dominant variant in the EU/EEA within the first two months of 2022. Data are currently too limited to assess the severity of disease caused by the Omicron VOC in the EU/EEA population with sufficient confidence. However, even if the severity of disease caused by the Omicron VOC is equal to or lower than the severity of the Delta VOC, the increased transmissibility and resulting exponential growth of cases will rapidly outweigh any benefits of a potentially reduced severity. It is therefore considered very likely that the Omicron VOC will cause additional hospitalisations and fatalities, in addition to those already expected in previous forecasts that only take into account the Delta VOC."

    "Data currently available support safe and effective administration of a booster dose as early as three months from completion of the primary vaccination. Shortening the administration interval to three months may require adaptation of national vaccine deployment plans." Erről írtam tegnap. Három hónapon belüli emlékeztető oltások az elfogadhatóak.

    Minden számítógép füsttel működik, ha kimegy belőle, akkor nem működik.

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