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  • julius666


    Történelmi alapon elmélkedés a hosszú usa kötvényekről (cikkíró szerint jó vétel már): [link]

    Cikk annyira nem jó szvsz, de érdekes az a rész, ahol azt taglalja, hogy utoljára amikor ilyen magasságban jártak a hozamok (2007) éppen mi volt a szituáció:

    The mood at the time was shock because the hoped-for interest rate cut was likely off the table because "the economy hit a sweet spot." To remind investors, this was June of 2007. When a flurry of upbeat readings on the services sector, the job market, pointed to a pickup in the economy. June. 2007. In case you're not a history buff, I think it might be worth reminding you that June of 2007 may not have been a great time to invest

    [...] Also, in case you were wondering if Bill Gross's bearish bond bias was justified, TLT was trading in the mid-$80s when Mr. Gross decided to turn bearish. Within a year, TLT was up 8%. Within five years it was up 47%. I could go on, but you get the picture.

    This episode reminds me of a quip I heard years ago, and it goes something like "be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy." Given what's gone on with the price of TLT over the past year, I'd say that the market is pretty fearful at the moment.

    Konkrét cikk a korszakból, ami szinte az elmúlt hónapokban is íródhatott volna: [link]

    Az idei évben amit láttunk egyáltalán nem abnormális medve szemszögből. Sőt.

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