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  • dino_m

    senior tag

    válasz #70869248 #3635 üzenetére

    Ez egy befektetési alap. Ha valaki részt akar a játékból és bele is akar szólni, akkor érezze magáénak és a befizetésével arányosan vegye komolyan. Nem trollokra és kritizálókra van szükség a fejlesztés alatt, hanem hozzáértő, megértő és tudatos emberekre. Ez egyfajta szűrés akarna lenni a magasabb díjakkal, tanulva az első rész hibáiból. Ezt egyébként, ha regisztrálsz a PC2 fórumba, akkor egy üdvözlő levél formájában tudatosítják is.

    "Welcome to Project CARS 2 and WMD!

    Firstly, thanks for your registration. We hope you'll purchase your WMD Membership to enjoy the project.

    You're going to join a project which is in development, with a role to play in making sure the game gets finished to the very best level of quality.

    And now the really important bit: the WMD forum isn't a "normal" discussion forum. It's effectively the "virtual office" where game development is done. It's not a place for random discussions and arguments (albeit we do have an off topic forum ). It's also absolutely not the place for slagging off the game or development team without constructive suggestions for improvement. It's especially important to understand the "in development" part - many many things are buggy, not finished, or not even there at all. This is just a fact of development and it helps nobody if you get upset or angry about this and post a rant saying so.

    We appreciate that it's an unusual system and will be hard for some to get used to. At the same time we won't tolerate members who don't follow the process. If a new member joins and dives in to the forum creating problems straight away then they will be removed immediately. Longer term members who break the rules will be warned initially, but if they continue to offend then their accounts will be removed also.

    Sorry to put this so harshly but our job is to make the very best game possible in the time we have. We don't have the time (or frankly the inclination) to allow the forum to be polluted by rule breakers, as this just slows us down.

    I should say in general btw that the process is working really well so far. The vast majority of members "get it" very quickly and we have a very constructive and positive environment. It's easy for negativity to creep in though, so we'll do our best to make sure that doesn't happen. "

    Tehát nem megmondóembereket, pusztán csak játékosokat, hanem résztvevőket keresnek. Nőtt a tét is.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Egy férfi sosem nő fel, csak drágábbak a játékai.

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