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  • cskamacska


    válasz reelc #124742 üzenetére

    Ha a csirkefarhát árgörbéjéből indulunk ki, akkor tényleg szegényéhezőkiadók és rendezzünk gyűjtést a szemműtétükre. :D

    Super Bunnyhop - How American Game Companies Avoid Paying Income Tax

    de jöhet a másodszori kopipaszta, mert igény és szükség, az látom lenne rá :U

    "I see these figures as proof that customers are spending more money on micro transactions than on actual games."

    "Despite increasing their profits Activision is constantly laying off employees and shutting down studios as their game library shrinks into a small handful of microtransaction friendly titles."

    "But really that just relfects the trends over the past generation of wealth building. If you want a microcosm example of how the costs of products have been going up despite wages staying the same and jobs going away, look no further than the past decade of Activisions budget.

    Sure, that may mean they are developing better and better business sense, but how long can these trends really sustain themselves.. before the underclasses get desperate." ;]

    "So if you ever feel like Blizzards games are getting less, uhh, ambitious than they used to be, or you ever want to gripe about how the remake of Modern Warfare has 100% more transactions than the original game, just remember that Activision-Blizzard is spending less of its budget on games than it used to. And to rub it in they are probably spending less of their budget on taxes than you do."

    emlegetett cikkek
    Bermuda? Guess again. Turns out Holland is the tax haven of choice for US companies

    "That’s how ATVI CV, a company with no employees whose management lives in Bermuda, was able to receive some €4.3 billion in royalties and turn a profit of €2.3 billion between 2009 and 2014. Profits on which Activision paid precisely zero in tax. (For comparison: a Dutch games company pays the standard 25.5% Dutch tax rate on profits.) Ironically, during that same five-year period Activision US wrote off another €141 million in tax for its R&D expenses. For games that – on paper – are “R&D’d” by a Dutch company.

    All this is possible because the American and Dutch tax authorities see two different things when they look at a CV. The Dutch IRS says: that CV owes tax in the United States. The American IRS says: that CV owes tax in the Netherlands. The result: the company occupies a fiscal no-man’s-land. It doesn’t pay tax anywhere."

    Gamasutra - French consumer group sues Valve over Steam policies
    Forbes - Why Have Video Game Budgets Skyrocketed In Recent Years?

    De épp a legutóbbi Jim Fucking Sterling Son videó is témába vág

    The Jimquisition - Below Expectations
    Oda jutottunk, hogy már ő is nyíltan r/LatestageCapitalism féléket emleget. :Y

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    "Para mis amigos todo, para mis enemigos la ley"

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