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  • vinczepeter2

    csendes tag

    válasz PuMbA #33772 üzenetére

    Köszönöm a gyors választ PuMbA!
    Sajnos nincs lehetőségem meghallgatni őket, így csak a kritikákra és a ti véleményetekre tudok hagyatkozni :( Szerinted a Cnet kritikái mennyire objektívak? Pont az a5-tel hasonlították össze. :)

    Korábban editors choice volt náluk az a5, ugyanakkor a klipsch-ről pozitívabb véleménnyel vannak:

    “Hip hop producer/artist Earl Sweatshirt's "I Don't Like S**t, I Don't Go Outside" album energized the R-15PMs, and even when we pumped up the volume the speakers never cried "uncle." Switching over to a older pair of audioengine a5 (which sound very similar to the current A5+) powered monitor speakers, the sound was more muted, dynamically compressed, and less lively overall……The R-15PM is clearly a higher energy, more exciting speaker than the A5, but the A5's smoother sound is kinder to harsh, overcompressed music. Returning to the R-15PM the sound opened up, but along with that we heard vocal sibilance that added a small amount of harshness to the sound of vocals and acoustic guitars. We preferred vocals overall with the A5, but the A5 can't comfortably play as loud as the R-15PMs.”

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