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  • Xaels


    válasz Djuree #428 üzenetére

    Igen, de ez még nem az a nagy patch amiről a streamben beszéltek [link]

    A nagy patch Q1-ben jön PC-re.

    Martyr 2.0 - Touch of the Omnissiah

    Indeed, we felt like we have to have a clean sheet when we began planning this project. Our primary goals were extending the game's co-op capabilities along with adding quality-of-life improvements to various areas of the game. We felt the need that players should be able to access missions easier and quicker, and of course, itemization was also a priority. This is why we'll add a mission selector, and offer players who have done the tutorial at least once the option to skip those introductory missions.

    To boost variety, we will add new items and new skills to the mix as well. Higher-end content outdates rather hastily in the current version of Martyr, and this is why we want to improve this situation with scaling the Warzone (and its rewards, of course) towards max-level at all times.

    Moreover, Challenges will be available for players as part of a new Challenge System, refreshing an unlocking on certain days, rewarding successful Inquisitors with the most powerful loot in the Imperium, along with experience.

    Regarding Crafting, we are planning some important changes as well. We feel like the current form and mechanics of Crafting is not rewarding enough, so changes will be made to allow players to really make use of this feature.

    Once again, we would like to thank you for your feedback that led us to these changes - it could not happen without you.

    Here's what's coming in the Touch of the Omnissiah update:

    Main campaign fully playable in Co-Op
    Monster rebalance and more variety in combat gameplay
    New endgame item tier with new skills included
    Improving/balancing the responsivity and combat speed of classes
    Challenge System
    Revamped Crafting
    Various quality of life improvements (mission selector, skippable loot scene and tutorials, etc.)
    New Warzone for max-level players
    …and more!
    ...of course, you are probably wondering, "this sounds nice, but when do we get all this stuff?". Even though work has started on this project long ago, changes like these take time. Our plan is to release this major update in the first quarter of 2019, as a completely free patch. Of course, as it is with development, these features may change in the long run, but the outline is clear.

    Console players, you need not to worry - these changes will arrive on the PS4 and Xbox One as well - we will update our Roadmap accordingly, so be sure to check in every once in a while!

    Thankfully, the second Season of the Caligari Sector has arrived to tide you over with loads of new content in the meantime.

    Praise the Emperor!

    [ Szerkesztve ]


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