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    válasz mayday00 #10338 üzenetére

    Csak a magyaroknak nem jött be? :DDD Külföldi kommenteket is lehetett olvasni, ott sem mindenkinek jött be.

    "I personally thought this season’s ending was quite anticlimactic. I found myself disappointed with the season as a whole, actually."

    "For me, I just always anticipated for the use of powers and the evolution of each character’s abilities as a witch but I do agree that some things that were introduced were forgotten about towards the end."

    "I agree with others a blah finale, very anti-climactic. (...) I don’t hate Jessica Lange but she has seriously bored me to tears in three straight finales now."

    "The cold open with what seemed like an 80′s Stevie Nicks video was not a smart way to start."

    "Meh, two bad seasons out of three (1 and 3) mean I’m not gonna bother now. Been bored too many times by AHS, Asylum was the only season that actually kept me not only shocked and surprised but also interested and excited about the upcoming episode."

    "This would have been a pretty good series… back in 1954. But, boy, was it boring and that young lady who played Zoe got on my nerves in ways that I can’t explain."

    "To be short: I love American Horror Story but this season was not horror at all and it was barely a story."

    Forrás: [link] És ez még csak 1 oldal. Nehogy azt hidd, hogy csak a magyarok elégedetlenek ezzel az évaddal. :)

    „A feketébe öltözött ember a sivatagon át menekült, a harcos pedig követte."

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