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  • bbendre


    válasz Yeffy #217 üzenetére

    "Google preferred this approach because Google said that this leads to less artifacts. Indeed when you (for example) use a Canon camera, there will be more artifacts when you use Canon's traditional HDR (different exposures) instead of Canon's multi shot noise reduction (exposures with same settings are combined). So we'll see how many artifacts the Pixel 5 will produce.

    Last year when Google announced the Pixel 4, they already hinted that they are working on different exposures when Marc Levoy talked about capturing the moon and a moonlit landscape at the same time.

    Different exposures won't improve the noise in low-light conditions (unless there are also bright light sources). The main advantage of combining different exposures is less noise in the shadows and better colors in the shadows at base Iso. For example Google phones can produce shadows with a purple tint at base Iso. Different exposures will fix this issue. If the Pixel 5 still has the shadows slider, the shadows should also look much cleaner at base Iso when you use the shadows slider. I also wonder whether there will be still HDR+ raw as this could be more difficult with different exposures."

    "I want to add that different exposures have another disadvantage. There's less time for capturing exposures that capture the brightest parts of the scene (blue sky, sunset, etc..), if it also wants to expose for the shadows. So a blue sky might look noisier than with older Google phones."

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    Iphone 13 Pro Max & Google Pixel 8 Pro

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