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  • Raymond


    válasz atok666 #24050 üzenetére

    Az NV-nel a training csak egy felbontasra megy - 4K

    Question: How does DLSS train, and why is it a big jump forward in super resolution and anti-aliasing technology?

    Answer: The DLSS model is trained on a mix of final rendered frames and intermediate buffers taken from a game’s rendering pipeline. We do a large amount of preprocessing to prepare the data to be fed into the training process on NVIDIA’s Saturn V DGX-based supercomputing cluster. One of the key elements of the preprocessing is to accumulate the frames so to generate “perfect frames”.

    During training, the DLSS model is fed thousands of aliased input frames and its output is judged against the “perfect” accumulated frames. This has the effect of teaching the model how to infer a 64 sample per pixel supersampled image from a 1 sample per pixel input frame. This is quite a feat! We are able to use the newly inferred information about the image to apply extremely high quality “ultra AA” and increase the frame size to achieve a higher display resolution.

    To explain a little further, DLSS uses a convolutional auto-encoder to process each frame which is a very different approach than other antialiasing techniques. The “encoder” of the DLSS model extracts multidimensional features from each frame to determine what are edges and shapes and what should and should not be adjusted. The “decoder” then brings the multidimensional features back to the more simple Red, Green, Blue values that we humans can understand. But while the decoder is doing this, it’s also smoothing out edges and sharpening areas of detail that the encoder flagged as important.


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