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  • Devid_81


    válasz Anubris #62187 üzenetére

    En azt vagom, amit Abu irt.
    De kulfoldi oldalakon is nagyon megy a tippeles.

    We exclusively reported yesterday that the company will talk about its long-term vision at an event in Sunnyvale California on May 16th. The talk will include an overview by graphics guru Raja Koduri about the company’s graphics roadmap, which we know is built around Vega and Navi, so it’s going to be interesting to see what new information the company might divulge.

    This won’t be a product launch event. So do not expect specific Vega product details. OK then, when is Vega coming exactly? Well, our friends over at VCZ believe that Computex is the best candidate. NVIDIA isn’t planning any launches at the event and Intel is sponsoring this year’s PC Gaming Show at E3 in the middle of June, so any product announcements from them will take place then.

    This leaves the door open for AMD to put the spotlight on Vega. Being such a high profile product for the company it would attract a lot of press in absence of any other high profile launches at the event. With that being said, Vega is still likely to have is own dedicated launch event following some type of announcement at Computex. AMD could choose to do it after Computex during the 10 days leading to E3 or at a dedicated event at E3.

    Ebbol is teljesen jol latszik, szinte barmikor lehet :D
    Computex, vagy E3...szerintem ezekbol valogathatunk :K

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