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  • t72killer


    válasz bigdady #95612 üzenetére

    Laborkísérlet Pfizerrel és Modernával:[I] " The percentage of positive antibodies that neutralized the South African variant was 12.4 fold lower for the Moderna vaccine than against the original coronavirus and 10.3 fold lower for the Pfizer vaccine"

    Más típusú mérés a szintén vektor Szputnyikról(!), a számok nem összehasonlíthatók a fentivel: "The researchers found that pseudoviruses bearing either the wildtype D614G spike, and the B. spike were effectively neutralized by the vaccine sera, in live virus plaque reduction neutralization assays. The geometric mean titer (GMT) of neutralizing titers was 49, similar to that of the phase III trial.

    However, these sera showed moderate to a marked reduction in neutralization titers against spike protein bearing E484K, and the UK variant. Even at the highest serum concentration used, 9/12 serum samples were not capable of inhibiting 50% of B.1351 viral particles, and only half the sera did so against the E484K mutant."

    Ugyanez a forrás az Astráról: "This echoes the results obtained from AstraZeneca vaccine sera live virus plaque reduction neutralization assays, where the neutralizing activity against the South African variant B.1.351 dropped by 4- to 33-fold relative to the wildtype spike. Seven of 12 vaccine recipients whose sera neutralized the B.1.1 variant showed no neutralizing activity against B.1.351. (zéró, null, nada...)

    Similar, though smaller, reductions in neutralizing capacity were seen with the vaccine sera of Moderna/Pfizer vaccine recipients, at 7-8-fold." (=mRNS-el marad némi esélye a fertőzöttnek)

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