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    válasz _Flood_ #2716 üzenetére

    Nem adtam fel,megírtam Nekik,hogy mindig töröl mindent erre ez jött,légyszi segítsetek megfejteni,főleg a kiemelt rész,mert én ilyet nem találok:
    "Dear Nagy István,

    Thank you for contacting HTC regarding your One S.

    My name is Nicola and I am a Technical Support Agent for the HTC
    Written Team. I do apologise for any inconvenience, but the Hungarian support team are not available now until Wednesday. I'm going to try and support you further in English, however if you'd like the Hungarian support team to take over your enquiry, please let me know and I'll advise them of this first thing on Wednesday.

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with the data on your phone being lost after a factory reset, even though you were advised this wouldn't happen.

    The reason for this is likely because when you occasionally after a factory reset, the sd card doesn't remount to the phone correctly.

    Can I please ask you to follow the below steps to resolve this:

    Tap All Apps
    Tap Settings
    Tap SD phone and Storage

    You will then see an option to re-mount sd card.

    Should the above step not resolve the issue you're having, can you please simply try re-booting your phone.

    Angolul még elboldogulok,de nem találom amit mond... :U Az az érzésem,hogy félreért engem...

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák