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  • viharhozo


    Hatha erdekel vkit, Xbitlabs:

    Before proceeding to the benchmark analysis, let us have a quick look at technologies Crytek has incorporated into its FarCry game since the time it was released in Spring:

    Shader Model 3.0-optimized rendering engine. The first implementation of the Pixel Shaders 3.0 brought some additional performance to NVIDIA GeForce 6 hardware. It did not, however, improve image quality.

    Shader Model 2.0b-optimized rendering engine deserves the same comment as the Shader Model 3.0 engine – additional speed, no IQ improvements. This, basically, confirms ATI’s claim that virtually everything that may be done with Shaders 3.0 today can be done with Shaders 2.0b.

    OpenEXR HDR rendering delivered some major image quality improvement to NVIDIA’s GeForce 6 GPUs. This implementation had been tested for months by Crytek and also it looks great, it still deserves better implementation. Furthermore, modern hardware does not allow to play FarCry with HDR with high speeds.

    3Dc normal map compression leaves somewhat mixed feeling. It gives tiny speed bump and no image quality improvements. Basically, we are nearly safe to say that the FarCry does not benefit from 3Dc.

    So, all-in-all, the new technologies, except HDR, do not bring radically new advantages to the FarCry game. Since the FarCry engine is available for purchase, we believe that future titles based on the same engine may show some benefits with new rendering techniques Crytek managed to implement. Crytek itself is now working on another game, which may have more thoroughly implemented technologies listed above.

    Kiemeles tolem.


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