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  • S_x96x_S


    2023 Q4
    AMD bets demand for its MI300 accelerator will balance dips across other product lines
    Chip biz aims to sell $3.5 billion worth of its Instinct GPUs and APUs in 2024 alone

    ""Customer response to MI300 has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are aggressively ramping production to support the dozens of cloud enterprise and supercomputing customers deploying instinct accelerators," Su added."

    - MI300 : 38x szerepel ..
    - AI : ~ 47x

    "The ROCm 6 stack significantly increases performance and key generative AI workloads, adds expanded support and optimizations for additional frameworks and libraries and simplifies the overall developer experience. The additional functionality and optimizations of ROCm 6 and the growing volume of contributions from the Open Source AI Software community are enabling multiple large hyperscale and enterprise customers to rapidly bring up their most advanced large language models on AMD Instinct accelerators. For example, we are very pleased to see how quickly Microsoft was able to bring up GPT-4 on MI300X in their production environment and rollout Azure private previews of new MI300 instances aligned with the MI300X launch. At the same time, our partnership with Hugging Face, the leading open platform for the AI community, now enables hundreds of thousands of AI models to run out of the box on AMD GPUs and we are extending that collaboration to our other platforms."

    "And then, we also see Turin, our Zen 5 product coming in the second half of the year."

    "Revenue declined 17% year over year and 9% sequentially to $1.4 billion as lower semi-custom revenue was partially offset by increased sales of Radeon GPUs. Semi-custom SoC sales declined in line with our projections in the quarter. Going forward, we now expect annual revenue to decline by a significant double-digit percentage year over year as supply caught up with demand in 2023, and we entered the fifth year of what has been a very strong console cycle. In Gaming Graphics, revenue grew both year over year and sequentially, driven by strong demand in the channel for both our Radeon 6000 and Radeon 7000 series GPUs.. "

    vagyis draft fordítással:
    "A bevétel éves összehasonlításban 17%-kal, míg az előző negyedévhez képest 9%-kal csökkent, ami 1,4 milliárd dollárra tehető. A csökkenést részben ellensúlyozta a Radeon GPU-k értékesítésének növekedése, noha a félvezetőre szabott rendszerchipek (SoC) eladásai várakozásoknak megfelelően csökkentek. A jövőre nézve a vállalat most jelentős, kétszámjegyű százalékos éves bevételcsökkenést vár, mivel a kereslet 2023-ban utolérte a kínálatot, és beléptünk egy erős konzolciklus ötödik évébe. A játékgrafikában a bevétel évről évre és negyedévről negyedévre is nőtt, a Radeon 6000 és 7000 sorozatú GPU-k iránti erős piaci kereslet miatt."

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