

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Zolee897


    válasz snooze #42023 üzenetére

    Sikerült megoldani, kösz és én voltam a béna, mert megváltoztattam a jelszót, amikor másfél éve commisioningolva lett az inverter.

    Most már csak ezt kellene, ami vastagítva van a https://github.com/wlcrs/huawei_solar/wiki/Connecting-to-the-inverter#network-connection oldalról :)

    "With firmware versions released in Q4 of 2022 for the SUN2000L it is once again possible to connect to the inverter on the IP with which your inverter is connected to your home network. This feature is seemingly not available for the SUN2000MA. You need to enable "Local O&M" in "Settings" -> "Router connection settings" in the "Device Commisioning" part of the FusionSolar App. (Note that this toggle is somewhat buggy, and possibly needs multiple tries to effectively enable it. Make sure to use the latest version of the app). This will open port 6607. Please make sure to assign your inverter a static IP in your router, as changing the IP is not supported in the integration.

    Nekem a fusion solar appban van settings-communication settings-router settings de ott nincs "local O&M" és máshol sem találok sajnos.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák