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    Már elérhető a Comodo Dragon 27.2

    - Dragon is based on Chromium 27.0.1453.116.
    - Dragon includes PrivDog extension.

    Egy kis Privdog (a PrivAlert helyett) leírás Melihtől:

    This is an important step in protecting users from a new threat vector that we all overlook...
    When you type www.cnn.com you are NOT going to that site....you are inviting that website to your computer.
    but what happens is these sites bring their "uninvited guests" (advertisers) along with them when they come to your computer...
    You didn't bargain or asked for these uninvited guests....but thats how these sites make money.....
    Its not fair on users to have to endure these uninvited guests....(just like you don't want uninvited guests gate crashing your birthday party)..
    But then again these websites need money and we need to protect their income...
    These ads might have malware...use up your CPU (flash ads etc)....slow your computer cos sites are making calls to other sites and they don't respond in a timely manner and so on.......
    this is why Adblockers work for consumers but doesnt' for websites...
    thats where PrivDog comes in....Patent Pending (MANY).....
    It makes sure all the ads are clean, will not take up cpu power and all loaded from one source and after your main page is loaded...
    So consumers can have a much faster internet browsing experience, much secure sessions while preserving the ecosystem.
    So its a product that is win-win for everyone!

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    Gauranga! हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे || हरे रामा हरे रामा रामा रामा हरे हरे||

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