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  • W666W




    Release Note

    COMODO Dragon Release Notes:
    Comodo Dragon internet browser is based on the source code of Google Chrome browser but has a number of improvements, which includes fixes some privacy and security improvements.

    ADDED Certificate Domain Validation checking warning
    Comodo Dragon uses advanced domain validation technology originally developed in Comodo Verification Engine. It performs additional analysis of a domain's SSL certificate to warn about those that been issued with Domain Only Validation.

    FIXED Client identification number privacy issue.
    Comodo Dragon fixes this privacy issues, which exists in Chrome browser. Chrome creates an ID for each client (user). This security gap theoretically can be used to identify a user. This ID has been removed.

    REMOVED RLZ-Tracking capability.
    RLZ-Tracking is a Chrome's feature which informs Google about when and where the browser has been downloaded. This capability has been removed in Dragon. This has been done to protect user privacy

    COMODO's traditional product update technology is used.
    Dragon uses COMODO's own installer and update technology. Chrome, on the other hand, checks for updates and makes update via Google Updater, legality of which was put under question by Red Bend Software. Google Updater was entirely eliminated in Dragon

    REMOVED error reporting mechanism.
    Error reporting is used by Google to find and remove problems in their software however the information, which is sent to Google, includes some data about the computer's software. In case it this information is intercepted by an attacker, it can be used to reveal vulnerabilities in the computer's security system. COMODO Dragon has eliminated this mechanism is order not to compromise user's security and privacy.

    REMOVED installation time-tracking.
    COMODO's installation technology doesn't use and store information about when the software was installed and updated, all actions are based only on your current version number, whereas Chrome installation stores detailed (up to the second) information about software installation time

    ADDED smart software removal
    During software remove Dragon asks user whether he or she wants to keep user preferences data (home page, search engine customizing, etc) and leaves or removes user profile based on his or her choice. This is done for user's convenience. Leaving user's profile on your computer is recommended if you are going to return to using Dragon in future

    EXCLUDED remote error pages usage
    Dragon uses locally stored error messages (such as "Page not found"), whereas Chrome in its default configuration uses server-stored error messages. In Dragon information about your network input errors is limited to your browser instead of being sent to Google’s remote server.

    IMPROVED: Chromium 3 source code is used as basis for Dragon
    IMPROVED: DVCheck severity reduced. It's a warning now

    FIXED: Back button
    FIXED: Issue with '[at]' symbol

    ADDED: Search engines importing from Opera

    FIXED: New version downloading with UAC enabled
    FIXED: Activation request
    FIXED: Copyright information in AboutBox

    Ezek a Fix Infók a CD -röl...

    Szubjektív Véleményem
    Gyors gyors, meg biztonságos biztonságos, de közel sem olyan kezesbárány mint a FF..
    Pluginek tekintetében nagyon el van maradva a jelszókezelése botrányos szerintem..
    Azért azt ne várják már el hogy ujra bepötyögjem a 150 jelszavamat mindenhova, mert nem lehet a jelszavakat importálni, és exportálni...De a jelszókezelés kivételével Tényleg jó kis böngészönek néz ki
    Könyvjelzökezelése is olyan mint a CHromé meg kell szokni nem rossz de az sem FF szinvonal
    Miért mindig az FF -el hasonlítom össze ??? mert jelenleg szubjektív véleményem szerint a puginek miatt verhetetlen és annyival meg nem tud többet a CD hogy le kéne cserélnem ..De kezdésnek nem rossz, De ÉN jobban örülnék egy FF alapú böngészönek

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