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  • doooo


    válasz kakuk.tamas #67 üzenetére

    "When a user takes a photo of the Moon, the AI-based scene optimization technology recognizes the Moon as the main object and takes multiple shots for multi-frame composition, after which AI enhances the details of the image quality and colors. It does not apply any image overlaying to the photo." - hivatalos Samsung válasz (gyakorlatilag az egyértelműt ismétlik, én is ugyanezt mondtam, holott még nem is létezett ez a nyilatkozat akkor).

    "As such, the Galaxy S23 Ultra and its AI might be adding in detail and artificially enhancing moon photos but it’s not simply faking it with a different image. Think of it as someone applying a few edits to Instagram photos to pick out details or deliver more pleasing shots. These enhancements may not be true-to-life, but they aren’t simply fake Photoshopped images either. Whether you think such enhancements are acceptable or duplicitous is down to your tastes." - Tom's Guide szerkesztőség. Szintén ugyanaz, amit mondtam.

    Zárható a téma.

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