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  • Intruder2k5


    válasz rayoliviero #40218 üzenetére

    Az üzenet azt jelenti, hogy a modem a küldött RNG-REQ üzenetekre nem kapott választ a CMTS-től. Nem szerencsés, ha sok ilyen üzenet van a log-ban, mert amennyire tudom, 16 ilyen után a modem újrakezdi a regisztrációs folyamatot a hálózaton, ami nyilvánvalóan a kapcsolat megszakadásával jár.

    T3 Timeout (Ranging Request Retries Exhausted)

    Explanation: The cable modem has sent 16 Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) messages without receiving a Ranging Response (RNG-RSP) message in reply from the CMTS. The cable modem is therefore resetting its cable interface and restarting the registration process. This typically is caused by noise on the upstream that causes the loss of MAC-layer messages. Noise could also raise the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the upstream to a point where the cable modem’s power level is insufficient to transmit any messages. If the cable modem cannot raise its upstream transmit power level to a level that allows successful communication within the maximum timeout period, it resets its cable interface and restarts the registration process. This error message is DOCSIS event message is R03.0, Ranging Request.


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