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  • Ringman


    válasz Z.É.T. #27639 üzenetére

    ha ezt a studyt olvastad, akkor semmi új: Covid-19 Breakthrough Infections in Vaccinated Health Care Workers

    Among 1,497 fully vaccinated health care workers, 39 of them — about 2.6 percent — developed breakthrough infections. (All of the workers were believed to be infected after contact with an unvaccinated person, and the study was conducted before the Delta variant became dominant.)
    While most of the breakthrough cases were mild or asymptomatic, seven out of 36 workers tracked at six weeks (19 percent) still had persistent symptoms. These long Covid symptoms included a mix of prolonged loss of smell, persistent cough, fatigue, weakness, labored breathing or muscle pain.

    But the study’s authors caution against drawing too many conclusions from the research. The sample size — just seven patients — is small. And the research was designed to study antibody levels in the infected, said Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, director of the infectious disease epidemiology unit at Sheba Medical Center. It was not designed to study the risk of long Covid after a breakthrough infection.

    alapvetően még mindig kevés adat van erről (cikkben is írják), de nem lennék túl optimista (milyen meglepő :) ) a kutatásban lévő 19%-os longkovid az nem sokkal marad le az oltatlanokétól - de az eü-dolgozók vírusterhelése magasabb az átlagnál (persze ez lehet csak az oltás utáni fertőzés esélyét növeli, nem a longkovidét, az közel fix)

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