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  • Parallaxis


    válasz szabi510 #348 üzenetére

    Az XDA-s tapasztalat szerint:

    "It connects to iPhone via bluetooth without any app, so here is my experience:

    - Notifications work, (the ones from the notification center), however you cannot act on them, it is just a notification viewer. You can read the message that comes or e-mail or FB message, however you cannot answer them.
    - No access to any other apps/watch faces beside the stock ones that are on the watch already
    - Wifi network connection is limited to open networks only :/ (secured networks are not visible, why?) however range of the wifi signal sensitivity is awesome (I pick up a printer Wifi signal of my neighbour 3 floors up)
    - Battery : At 8h I still have 50% (moderate use, loads of notifications, Wifi off, HR sensor frequent, Brightness 8, Ambient on)
    - World clock is totally off, I mean the times are not right. I don't know why."

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