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  • Ringman


    válasz Friczy #188219 üzenetére

    nekem ez van a trekkingemen, szerintem elég jó és van benne "elosztó" is, hogy a hátsó világítást is be tudd kötni.
    van rajta ki/be kapcsoló (pontosabban el kell tekerni a végét), de alkonykapcsoló nincsen.

    egyébként érezhető a drag, ha be van kapcsolva, de nekem régebbi technológia az agy.

    itt a matek, mennyit számít (elég részletes cikk): [link]

    a lényeg:

    The most-efficient hub will slow you down:
    10-30 seconds per hour with no lights or chargers attached
    1-2 minutes per hour with a USB charger
    1.5-2.5 minutes per hour with a bright light

    The least-efficient hub will slow you down:
    0.5-1 minute per hour with no lights or chargers attached
    2.5-3 minutes per hour with a USB charger
    2.5-4 minutes per hour with a bright light

    Hub dynamos run well with nothing connected. On the flat, my Schmidt hub is probably slowing me down only 7-seconds per hour.
    When charging a smartphone, I am likely losing around 1.5 minutes per hour, which I think is very reasonable given how convenient it is to always have power on tap. A low-power device like a Garmin GPS would likely cost me around 20 seconds per hour in comparison.
    That said, dynamo lights are my number one reason for using a dynamo setup, and I’m happy to lose a couple of minutes per hour at night for sheer convenience. But if I was ultra racing at the pointy end of the field, this data would make me consider whether I can get by with battery-powered lights, as I could potentially save 25-40 minutes in an overnight push – which is a decent nap!

    Eladó használt nyergek: SQLab 611 Ergowave CrMo 14 cm: 30e | Ergon SR comp men road S/M 22e | Pro Turnix Perf. AF 275x132 mm 25e || Használt Cane Creek eeSilk 27.2 x 350mm Road 20 mm 63e

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák