

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • ProgenXL


    válasz ProgenXL #43423 üzenetére

    Valamint még ezt találtam.

    7 New Specialist Vehicles: Flip Car/Ramp Car (Variation of Dune Buggy). Boxville Van with Turret, Armor plating and a big scoop/plow on the front. The Phantom Wedge - Phanton Truck cab with a big scoop/plow on the front. Ruiner 2000 (very similar to KITT from Knight Rider), can jump, has a parachute, guns and rockets (homing and regular). Amphibious Blazer (Quad Bike), with dual machine guns. Amphibous Technical (Pick-up truck), with machine gun Turret in the back. The Jet Voltic - Voltic, with a big Rocket/Jet engine on the back. Can be activated on ground and while airborne. 2 New Legendary Motorsport vehicles. Rossolini Tempesta.
    2 New Hidden vehicles for Christmas.
    New "Regular" Vehicles: Super Car Jaguar XJ220, Super Car Lamborghini Huracan, Sport Car Skyline R34. 2 New Bikes.

    GTA Online: Import/Export release date December 13. 2016

    Gunner for life

  • Plata


    válasz ProgenXL #43423 üzenetére

    Nem,állítólag 60 darab új jármű jön. :Y
    Az előbb olvastam.
    "Az Import/Export az idén júniusban kiadott Further Adventures in Finance and Felony rendszerét veszi majd alapul, vagyis előtérbe kerülnek a bűnszövetkezetek, a luxuscikkek és persze a rablások pontos megtervezése is. Már nem lesz elég beverni egy autó ablakát, vagy kirángatni a korábbi sofőrt, hanem taktikázni kell, ha egy luxusautót akarunk a saját garázsba.

    Az frissítéssel közel 60 új autótípus érkezik, ezek között pedig olyan speciális járművek is lesznek, amik az akciót segítik. "

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • bryant56

    aktív tag

    válasz ProgenXL #43423 üzenetére

    Az oldalnak innen vannak az infói. Nem tudom ki ez a srác de elég sokat tud és ami nagyon fontos nem clickbait-es videókban mondja el az infókat :C

    Twitteren azt írta, hogy pontosan 25 új jármű lesz, amiből jó pár már egy létező jármű módosított változata.
    A Dec. 13-a csak egy tervezett megjelenési dátum, ami még változhat.

    Itt van egy lista az új járművekről:

    "Might aswell give you guys the full details.


    Annis - Elegy - Sports - Elegy
    Pegassi - Tempesta - Super - Tempesta
    Progen - ItaliGTB - Super - Italigtb
    Progen - ItaliGTB Custom - Super - Italigtb2
    Truffade - Nero - Super - Nero
    Truffade - Nero Custom - Super - Nero2
    Dewbauchee - Specter - Sports - Specter
    Dewbauchee - Specter Custom - Sports - Specter2
    Principe - Diabolus - Sports Bike - Diablous
    Principe - Diabolus Custom - Sports Bike - Diablous2
    Imponte - Ruiner 2000 - Sports - Ruiner2
    JoBuilt - Phantom Wedge - Sports - Phantom2
    Coil - Rocket Voltic - Rocket Voltic - Voltic2
    Ocelot - Penetrator - Super - Penetrator
    Mtl - Wastelander - Sports - Wastelander
    Pegassi - FCR1000 - Enduro Bike - FCR
    Pegassi - FCR1000 Custom - Enduro Bike - FCR2
    Pfister - Comet Retro Custom - Sport - Comet2
    Imponte - Ruiner 3 - Sport - //
    // - Technical Aqua - RatLoader - Technical2
    BF - Ramp Buggy - Wedge Dune - Dune4
    BF - Ramp Buggy - Wedge Dune - Dune5
    Nagasaki - Blazer Aqua -Blazer - Blazer5

    // - // - // - Boxville5
    // - // - // - Comet3
    // - //- // - Elegy2

    This list might not be 100% accurate when it comes to classes and real names vs codenames, there's still some weird stuff."

    És itt van egy kis infó arról, hogy melyik kocsi mit tud:

    "- An amphibious Blazer(said to have also machine guns)
    - A new Boxville(apperantly this one is gonna have a turret )
    - A new Comet(ok, so there is gonna be a comet not based on the penetrator of that old gta game ? )
    - Another new Comet, maybe a custom version
    - Diabolus(probably this )
    - A custom version of the Diabolus
    - A new Dune(curious to know what this will do what the old dune can not)
    - Another new Dune, maybe a custom version
    - A new Elegy(probably that nissan r34 that has been talked about by a leaker)
    - Another New Elegy, maybe a custom version
    - FCR(probably this )
    - A custom version of the FCR
    - A car which is codenamed "Italigtb"(probably this ....seems also likely because this gtb can not be a really modern sport car since we kinda have 2 super cars already and it has been leaked that we only get 2 vehicles on legendary motorsport....and i do not see any of the 2 supers being called this the name of the lamborghin ripoff has kinda been confirmed by now, it does not look ferrari at all and the other one is a jaguar/british car)
    - The custom version of the "Italigtb"
    - Nero(what the hell could this be ?, would this be the jag/ocelot we saw or something totaly different ?)
    - A custom version of the Nero
    - Penetrator(mystery is strong with this one...could it be an other porsche/pfister ?)article link to an old vehicle with the same name
    - A new Phantom(this is a truck, so it will probably be that truck that is said to plow trough everything
    - Ramp Truck (Buggy Ramp)(this one we have seen in the screenshots, pretty much confirmed)
    - Rocket Voltic(said to be a voltic with a booster, that is also able to be activated in mid air and could be able to fly you from mount chilliad to the city or something like that)
    - Ruiner 2000(this is gonna be the car from knight rider, is leaked to have rockets, machine guns, a poost, a parachute, being able to jump and such, said to cost over 5 milion)
    - Specter(no idea what the hell this could be, but somehow my personal gamble still is this is the name of the new jaguar seen in the already released screenshots, since a jaguar super car is featured in the movie "spectre", but again, not sure and this is just my personal link i see)
    - A custom version of the Specter
    - An amphibious Technical(said to be a technical, but with tubes next to it and yea...floating)
    - Tempesta(probably that pegassi/lamborghini looking vehicle....tempesta is also some kind of part of the name of some pagani car, which makes the link with pegassi even more likely)
    - Wastelander(no idea what this could be)"

    "So this is a mega compilation of EVERYTHING we know about GTA Online: Import/Export, likely to be coming on December 13th:

    GTA Online: Import/Export

    - No setup costs to start a mission
    - Go to SecuroServ PC
    - Open Vehicle Cargo Tab, hit Source Car
    - Get given mission, go find the car, steal and bring back to warehouse
    - Pay repair costs/upgrade to buyer's specification
    - Can do more Steal missions to get more cars, limit of 40 (Warehouse capacity)
    - If you damage cars while boosting them, you must pay the repair costs
    - You can get collections of cars, which sell for more as a collection than they do individually (eg. Rally collection)
    - Vehicles can be stolen by other players or blown up. Players can steal your cars and take them to their own Warehouse
    - There is no reward to players who destroy others' vehicles, only the ability to store them in their own Warehouse if stolen successfully

    - 3 Types of sale:
    - Private Buyer: Straight up steal and sell for a profit
    - Car Showroom: Steal, light upgrades, sell for a bit more
    - Specialist Offer: Steal, heavy upgrades, sell for a big profit
    - Sell Missions: only 1 car per Associate
    - Associates get paid $500 added to their SecuroServ payout per car sold, up to a limit of $10,000
    - Special Vehicle missions are like miniature Heists (not dissimilar from Prison Break Setup: Police Station - where you steal the Casco from the Cargo boat)
    Big discount on Special Vehicles after completing their corresponsing Special Vehicle Mission.

    - New "Regular" Vehicles:
    Class: Sports - Annis Elegy ___ [Custom]
    Class: Sports - Pfister Comet Retro Custom
    Class: Motorcycles - Pegassi FCR1000 [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Motorcycles - Principe Diabolus [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Super - Truffade Nero [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Sports - Dewbauchee Specter [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Super - Progen ItaliGTB [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Super - Pegassi Tempesta [Regular and Benny's Custom]
    Class: Super - Ocelot Penetrator
    Class: Sports - MTL Wastelander
    Class: Sports - Imponte Ruiner (Another variant)

    - New Special Vehicles:
    - BF Ramp Buggy (Flip Car/Ramp Car (Variation of Dune Buggy)) [2 Variants]
    - Boxville (Van with Turret, Armor plating and a big scoop/plow on the front)
    - JoBuilt Phantom Wedge (Truck cab with a big scoop/plow on the front)
    Class: Sports - Imponte Ruiner 2000 (very similar to KITT from Knight Rider), can jump, has a parachute, guns and rockets (homing and regular)
    - Blazer Aqua (Quad Bike), with dual machine guns
    - Technical Aqua (Pick-up truck), with machine gun Turret in the back
    - Coil Rocket Voltic (with a big Rocket/Jet engine on the back. Can be activated on ground and while airborne)
    - 2 Vehicles purchaseable from Legendary Motorsport, others from Benny's
    - Special Vehicles cost between $1 million and $6 million. Ruiner 2000 (very similar to KITT from Knight Rider) is $5.7 million.
    - 2 cars being held back in Tuneables

    - New Organisation clothing styles, new male & female clothing in stores
    - New Masks: Harambe Gorilla, Horses, Pugs, Sugar Skulls, Dinosaurs, 'Oni's (?????), one which resembles Cthulhu
    - NO NEW Weapons

    - CEO Office Garages are multi-tier circular garages. Cars are parked facing the middle, with a big window to the outside world.
    There are stairs on the side for going up/down levels, and a mod shop.
    Carrythxd, Raymond-R8GT and Blondude like this"

    Ruiner 2000 - 5-5.7 Million $ --> Ha ez igaz, akkor úgy néz ki, hogy megvan az új legdrágább kocsi a játékban. :DD :DD
    Ahogy látom még mindig nem kap normális fizut az Associate. :W
    Úgy érzem a 10M, ami a bankban elég kevés lesz ehhez a DLC-hez. :(

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák