
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

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    Készül egy újab játék amiben filmeket forgathatunk és saját filmstúdiót kell felépítenünk valamint igazgatnunk,hasonlít a The Movies játékra,bár a demó alapján kicsit összetetteb,mert nekünk kell rengeteg dolgot felügyelni,új filmes technológiák kifejlesztését,a dolgozók életének az igazgatását és még sok egyebet,bár a demó elég korlátozott még.
    [Játék honlapja]
    [Steam-es ingyenes prológus ]
    Csináltam pár képet a steam-es ingyenes kipróbálható változatból.

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    Changelog for the version:

    - new theme "Regency", inspired by Bridgerton, including costumes, set designer objects, and build mode objects
    - new visuals for all set equipment cameras/lights/mics of 1950-2000
    - optimize thumbnail generation for Build Mode, Set Designer, Set Equipment, which should reduce lag spikes significantly
    - add one default filming set per theme to always have available sets for any theme without having to make them in Set Designer
    - progressively increased difficulty in achieving high movie score as decades progress
    - add sound for notifications, togglable in Settings
    - fix windowed mode not always working
    - make not-yet-available research grayed out instead of hidden, so you can always see when the next research will arrive
    - set default FPS limiter to 60 (configurable in Settings) to avoid GPU overheat
    - fix Researchers always working even when they have to attend education
    - fix room info & filming set info windows getting auto-closed every time you enter build mode
    - fix some actor animations that were looping even though they shouldn't
    - limit max fame level of available-for-hire employees to level 1
    - research for medium & high quality food is now available from the beginning of the game
    - the studio fences and gate get renovated after 1950 and after 1980
    - the cinema next to the studio gets renovated after 1980
    - company money is now limited to max 999 billion
    - company fans, product fans and product ticket sales are now limited to max 999 million
    - product hype is now limited to max 9999
    - reduce fame increase rate by 50%
    - fix filming set's camera resetting to cheapest camera when relocating
    - fix overflow when calculating product revenue that caused the revenue to become negative
    - fix room type icon not showing above a premade room when it is placed in build mode
    - actors in Set Designer can now be placed anywhere even if they clip into objects
    - added buttons for deleting files in the open/save file dialog in Set Designer and Import Character menus
    - allow getting loans even if company money is below 0
    - fix bug in TV show episodes after first episode that showed incorrect scene rating and prevented reshooting scenes
    - fix VFX/SFX designer tasks in Product Creation (post-production tab) not being cleared when starting a new product
    - fix employee type filter in Hire Employees menu getting reset when hiring an employee
    - added decorated versions of premade rooms in Build Mode
    - added subcategory buttons in Build Mode for premade rooms (simple/decorated) and filming sets (default/local/steam)
    - added decade intro sequence shown when reaching new decade

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák