

Aktív témák

  • p0rch_m0nk3y

    senior tag

    "Dear p0rch_m0nk3y,

    We are contacting you regarding your Battlefield3 Account.

    Your account has been found to be in breach of our Terms of Service. The weblink of one of your Battlefield 3 platoons violates our Content policy.

    Please note that you may not organize, effectuate or participate in any activity, group, guild that is harmful, abusive, hateful, racially, ethnically, religiously or otherwise offensive, obscene, threatening, bullying, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, encourages conduct that would violate a law or in a reasonable person's view, objectionable and/or inappropriate. Hate speech is not tolerated.

    This content has been removed. Please be aware that no further action has been taken at this time, however to help prevent any further violations from occurring we strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with our Terms of Service, as repeated violations will result in suspension or account closure.

    Our Terms of Service can be found here:


    Thank you for your understanding."


    Origin: p0rch_m0nk3y

Aktív témák