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  • FireKeeper


    válasz FireKeeper #8125 üzenetére

    de ahogy látom nem csak én vettem ezt észre:
    I think the Key prices are too high that is leading to a inflation, if you want to buy a Adapted Cruiser them I am going to tell you right now what you are doing is actually driving their prices UP because driving prices up leads to INFLATION and Lobi ship prices WILL go up because of the relationship of Zen-Dilithium-Lobi-EC.

    Zen is costing MORE Dilithium and this means Keys by Zen are costing MORE that means Lobi WILL be costing more and this means EC cost of Lobi ships that been stable at 80 million WILL raise, as keys are right now I would likely be selling then before either inflation goes up the roof and then the entire thing falls apart because this isnt EVE and Cryptic will have to do something about it if things go entirely out of hand or prices will crash.

    steam, GOG, uPlay: @petermadach || HotS: PeterMadach#2675 || Xperia 10 V || Ultrawide & SFF masterrace || Unofficial and unpaid VXE R1 shill

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