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  • Woodslave


    Why No added Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners?

    Because of our evolutionary history, sweetness can be addictive for our systems, which can lead to overconsumption. Eating too many of these empty calories can lead to conversion to fat. Artificial sweeteners are bad because they are 100-1000x more sweet than sugar and can over-stimulate our brain’s reward centers.

    Also overconsumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners can be bad for our gut biome.

    Why No Alcohol?

    Alcohol is addictive and can inhibit executive function which makes it easier to eat badly among other things. It provides no nutritional value and impairs glucose metabolism. On top of all this it can increase gut permeability and be toxic to our gut bacteria AND toxic to or neurological system.

    Why No Seed Oils?

    Industrial seed oils are by themselves unstable and easily oxidized which can lead to free radicals and inflammation. In addition, they are high in Omega 6 fatty acids which also promote systemic inflammation.

    Why No Grains?

    This includes breads, cereals, pasta, rice, or quinoa, which are essentially empty calories, bad for blood sugar, and can be overly stimulating to our reward centers.

    They also contain phytates which can prevent our GI system from absorbing important nutrients.

    Of course, there is also gluten which can promote systemic inflammation and induce gut permeability.

    Why No Legumes?

    Legumes contain phytates which can prevent absorption of important nutrients and also contain sugars that aren’t absorbed in the GI system. Instead they feed the gut bacteria and if there are any ‘bad’ gut bacteria, this can cause overgrowth and GI inflammation.

    Why No Soy?

    Soy products contain plant-based estrogens, phytoestrogens, that our bodies can react with our normal estrogen receptors which is something we don’t want.

    I’ve been scared of soy products ever since I read a Men’s Health article about a guy who consumed so much soy, and was therefor exposed to so many phytoestrogens that he developed breasts.

    Why No Peanuts?

    They contain lectins that can slip through our intestinal lining and enter our blood stream causing an immune response.

    Why No Dairy?

    The two primary proteins in dairy are casein and whey. Casein can cause an inflammatory reaction called a histamine response.

    Whey can send very powerful growth signals to the body and can stimulate the release of insulin and insulin like growth factor.

    There’s also the sugar component, lactose, which can be bad for gut bacteria, especially in people who lack the enzyme to break it down, lactase.

    I was surprised to learn that the Whole 30 also forbids grassfed milk, which some other paleo circles are ok with. Despite all the benefits including omega-3s conjugated linoleic acid, more vitamins and antioxidants they feel that:

    However, simply sourcing dairy from cows that roam freely sidesteps only some of our concerns. Pastured, organic dairy still contains the same lactose, milk proteins, growth factors, and hormones as conventionally sourced dairy, which means it’s still not such a healthy option.

    Why No Butter?

    Butter still contains milk proteins. Clarified butter, ghee, however is ok since those proteins are removed.

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    "akkor ne rezisztencia edzést csinálj hanem rendes odabaxósat :) "Bá

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