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  • crey


    Na, a magyar nyelv hivatalos elérése saga folytatódik :D

    Ezt írtam a HTC-nek:

    Dear Annett and HTC Customer Care,

    For my original question, you sent me the following instructions: "You will be not able to get a hungarian software on this phone without losing warranty so there is an alternative option to resolve the problem. You would need to search for a 3rd party application on the marketplace what is developed to change the language. Unfortunately I cannot advise or name any 3rd party application. First of all I would advise you to use and search on google.com to find the name of an application for this case then download it from the marketplace."

    I wish it would be as easy, as you mention it, but unfortunately It's not possible to download language packages/softwares via Marketplace for our handsets. Even Zune using incremental upgrading processes, that's why it's not possible to do the upgrade via Zune, you need to re-flash the whole ROM on your phone. There's a well growing WP7 community in Hungary, who are looking for the solution , but I think other countries from Middle-Europe (even from Baltics) facing with the same problem - there's no localization for the old devices. Please advise me anything else, what helps, I already contacted with Microsoft Hungary directly, and waiting for their anwser as well.

    Sincerly, Zoltan

    HTC újabb válasza (ugyanaz a műkörmös Annett nevű kislány):

    Dear Zoltan,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I understand there is no 3rd party application for the language change in the marketplace. As I support only the HTC device we do not need to know any 3rd party apps also we cannot officially recommend one. - akkor az előző levélben minek ajánlgattad baazz?!

    Unfortunately the Zune is not able to change the language as you mentioned, it is just for sync or software update. The problem is even if you take your phone to an official HTC repair center they will Re-flash the Rom so you might get an update but the language will not change - surprise, surprise....

    Unfortunately we have to wait until the Microsoft release an update for language changes as the software made by Microsoft. - vagy mókolok a nyelvi CAB fájlokkal, talán nem kell hozzá interop unlock...

    I am more than happy to help if I can.

    Kösz, inkább hagyjuk.... :D

    Sarcasm: just one of the many services I offer.

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