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  • olschool


    Ez mit jelent?
    ::Regards by all! How I understood for the installation they were necessary 1) the new firewood alladin ftp://ftp.ealaddin.com/pub/hasp/new_.relea... yer/Yuinstall.zip after their installation mss 4 it is not scolded that firewood old, but now it disturbs the absence of key. I neglected STARTNT.BAT from mss 3..е, which starts emulator haspa, but now writes ''the algorithm of coding it is not known or in you hasp 4'' after rummaging in the documentation to HASP Emulator PE V2.33 (namely it made an emulator for mss 3., made the conclusion that emulation in principle depends on HKEY_.LOccAL_.MAccHINE\.SYSTEM\.CurrentControlSet\.Services\.Emulator\.HASP\.Dump, more precise from the the very dumpa, which makes this proga from the original key (in the case with 3.8 it together with the emulator it lies in HL_.MULL.SYS). so that is necessary entire -only to remove dump from the original key and everything so that people good in whom are mss 4 s donglom, do not consider for the honor, skachayte Hasp Emulator Professional v2.33.a002/a001, make a copy of key and give for the universal running off is previously grateful

    Helyesírás ... Minek? :)

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