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  • Fitzgerald


    válasz lezso6 #146175 üzenetére

    "The in-universe explanation for the change in the Oracle's appearance between The Matrix Revolutions and The Matrix Reloaded was that her outer shell was destroyed by a villainous program called the Merovingian. The programs Rama Kandra and Kamala made a deal with the Merovingian, exchanging the Oracle's termination code for safe passage of their daughter, Sati, into the Matrix. The Oracle, believing Sati to be extremely important to the future of both humans and machines, allowed her outer shell to be destroyed and later found a way to rebuild herself."

    Arra már nem emlékszem milyen módon derült ez ki, talán a The Animatrix-ből, vagy valamelyik játékból. Nekem sem rémlik, hogy ez a filmben meg lett volna magyarázva, aztán lehet hogy csak túl régen láttam.

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