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  • cskamacska


    válasz cskamacska #114874 üzenetére

    meg találtam ilyet:

    “This is just another attempt to ease in the idea of paid mods which, in any shape or form, is still a terrible idea that isn’t in anyone’s interest bar the big companies pushing it. All the guarantees they give mean absolutely nothing when the other party consists of thousands of tiny players who won’t be able to hold them to their word. There’s lots of reasons for this:

    – The foundation of modding is freely sharing one’s work and ideas. Mod interdependence is a good thing that should not be discouraged by giving people a stake in screwing each other over on who owns what and harassing others over wanting compensation. There’s enough modding drama already without adding money as a factor. Just look at the list of mods involved in any big mod and imagine the nightmare of giving every person in every team for every mod their ‘due’, or even figuring out who legally owns what to begin with.

    – For those that want make money there have always been options anyway, from it being a good way to find employment in the industry or serve as a staging ground for their own projects. This nothing new. There is also no need to use the hypothetical of a handful of modders who might have genuinely profited from this change when their skills would translate to well-paying positions anyway, especially when the community as a whole would suffer for it.

    – One of the reasons modding projects haven’t been systemically stamped out already through C&D’s is that it hasn’t been profitable to do so. Once you give companies incentive to either pressure people into turning their free mod into a paid mod (from which the company will get a cut, of course) or halt their project to make room for someone who will with the threat of legal action, you’ll this change very quickly. It won’t matter if these projects are legally in the clear, because all these small projects won’t have the financial clout or legal knowledge to defend themselves.

    – Bethesda doesn’t need to profit from all the work of others tangentially related to theirs but not made by them now and forever until the end of all, which is the real purpose of this. This is a perversion of copyright, not its intent.

    – Adding money as a ‘motivator’ is no guarantee for quality or good support, so it is not as if we’ll suddenly see an increase in modding quality. Modders already put unreasonable amounts of effort into their projects because it is their passion and adding money won’t somehow allow them to put in 110%. Besides, what tends to get more support: paid for games or the projects maintained by fans?

    – Most importantly however, and something which tends to get severely underappreciated, is that we should not be encouraging people to see every aspect of their lives as something to be monetised. People should have room to have hobbies that are valuable for their own sake and without any pressure to at some point turn it into a source of income. Just let people enjoy what they do without whispering to them not being paid for it means it’s not being appreciated.”

    All of it still applies. This plan fits in the usual pattern of introducing a major change that people will get upset about in an extreme form to test people’s reaction. If it’s accepted straight away, great, if they don’t, keep reintroducing it in a scaled down manner until they do. This gives the impression of a compromise even though they’re the ones pushing for it and are the only ones benefiting from it.

    And no, the guarantees given by Bethesda are worthless and always will be, because they’re in a position to change the rules once they’ve established a market and modders are not. They are hollow promises that are already easy to circumvent in ways such as ‘motivating’ a popular in-progress projects to launch on the Creation Club with a C&D. That’s the logical next step from the current way a C&D is used with an added financial incentive to go after as many projects as possible, both to shut down competition and popularize their platform.

    I don’t think a lot of people get how the people making these decisions think: any opportunity to monetise something to the absolute limit that isn’t followed through on is considered to be them not being paid the money that they’re owed. The only reason they’ve left modders alone is because there was no profit in bothering them, which this changes. Expect this to get as bad and invasive as they can make it if allowed to continue. Again, this benefits no-one but Bethesda and sets a terrible precedent if people were to try and downplay it."

    Cryteknek szeretettel :)

    "Para mis amigos todo, para mis enemigos la ley"

  • Csapoati


    válasz cskamacska #114874 üzenetére

    Semmi gond, ha szar cuccok lesznek fent drágán, úgyis megbukik majd a dolog.

    tehát a két csoportból a lassabbik legjobb idővel rendelkezőben lévők közül az ötödik legjobb időt futó indul majd a poleból.

  • arty


    válasz cskamacska #114874 üzenetére

    amikor anno steamen ilyesmi elindult, ott is ment a sírás, ott se értettem, gondolom akkor ott is hasonló árazási problémák lehettek ...

    (az idézett problémák pedig nagyon validak, kiemelve a mod-csapaton belüli pénzek szétosztásának körét, ki a jogtulajdonos, stb. brrr. ebbe bele se gondoltam eddig....)

    "ugyanitt hazájából elüldözött nigériai herceg aranybányájának tulajdonjogát megtestesítő NFT jegyezhető."

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