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  • Oliverda


    válasz aesir #8964 üzenetére

    Inkább az én kérdésemre mondj valamit. :)

    Tegyük fel hogy van egy cégem ami tojásokat exportál Kínába. Emellett szeretnék a Forma1-be csapatot indítani egy másik céggel. A kettőnek mi köze egymáshoz? Mert szerintem semmi. Az más kérdés hogy a média majd kitalálja, hogy valójában az összes tojás záp és a cég amúgy is csak papíron létezik.

    Amúgy nem hiszem hogy Eccleston bármilyen formában is támogatta volna őket ha ez igaz volna.


    On behalf of the AMCO Corporation we would like to make the following statement:

    The German newspapers Express published an article that is not founded on facts but on speculation and bad translation.

    The AMCO Corporation never stated anywhere that “it cooperated with the German Federal Defense Forces (Bundeswehr) on a production of an unmanned aircraft”. The correct information is that one of our engineers was involved in a construction of an engine for a German company, the buyer, which turned out to be for an unmanned aircraft. We never stated nor did we ever imply that we worked with Bundeswehr in any form or way. Furthermore we have no idea how we were brought in context with the other German companies with whom we had no contacts at all. Illustration about capabilities of our personnel in Serbia was misunderstood and maliciously used for sensationalist journalism. Such construction of facts can only be aimed to discredit us and all the others mentioned.

    On the other hand, our people should be recognized for producing parts for the ARIANE V rocket, seven years ago by our company in Serbia. We are very proud of this fact.

    The demanti have been published in the German media.

    AMCO Corporation
    PR department"


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    "Minden negyedik-ötödik magyar funkcionális analfabéta – derült ki a nemzetközi felmérésekből."

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