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  • HZoli87


    válasz liszi70 #34346 üzenetére

    Windows 7 alatt felesleges futtatni az optimalizációt, ez elsősorban a XP-ét használó felhasználóknak készült. Ennek ellenére havonta lefuttathatod, ha úgy gondolod, baj nem lesz belőle. Tesztprogramot pedig felejtsd el, majd mérsz fél/egy év múlva vele.

    Részlet a felhasználói kézikönyvből:

    " NOTE: Windows 7 supports TRIM natively, so this feature is less
    necessary for Windows 7 Users. Those using Windows XP, which does
    not support TRIM, should run this feature regularly to keep their SSD in
    top shape. Of course, Windows 7 users can use Performance
    Optimization as well if they wish to force Garbage Collection and TRIM to
    run at a particular time rather than in the background.

    The Performance Optimization feature automatically consolidates
    disparate data and prepares invalid memory for future use. It
    accomplishes these tasks by force executing two very important SSD
    maintenance features: TRIM and Garbage Collection.

    By nature, SSDs are a bit obsessive about how they organize their data.
    They prefer to have it neatly stacked together, and they run more
    efficiently when they can keep it that way. Everyday use makes this type
    of neatness difficult, because the OS is constantly writing and deleting
    data of various sizes, leaving data strewn haphazardly throughout the
    SSD. Garbage Collection remedies this by combing through the Swiss
    cheese of data left behind, collecting any data and carefully placing it

    TRIM helps to make Garbage Collection more efficient by preparing
    invalid data for deletion. When the OS “deletes” data, the data does not
    actually go anywhere. The space in which it resides is simply marked as
    “free space” that may be used later. Unfortunately, the OS doesn’t let the
    SSD know which data is now free, at least not without TRIM. TRIM allows
    the OS to inform the SSD which data is no longer valid, allowing the SSD
    to skip over invalid data when performing Garbage Collection instead of
    moving around old data.

    SSDs are just as particular about how they delete data as they are in
    storing it, preferring to delete in blocks of equal size. Working in concert,
    TRIM and Garbage collection allow the SSD to clear and prepare unused
    and invalid blocks of space. SSDs perform faster when writing to empty
    blocks, so the end result is better performance. "

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