

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • CsonkaImo


    válasz Zsoldos88 #46 üzenetére

    Mondjuk a Sony elég rossz példa, ők gyakorlatilag a Playstation-ből élnek.

  • Z10N


    válasz Zsoldos88 #46 üzenetére

    Az a baj, hogy a Samsung-nal mindenki a Samsung Electronics-t erti, pedig ezenkivul van meg fel tucat diviziojuk, mivel egy konglomeratum ceg. Koztuk olyanok, mint:

    Samsung Electronics: electronic components, batteries, semiconductors, chips, flash memory, hard drive, smart tv, smart phone, computer etc.

    illetve haztartasi gepek, legkondi, kijelzok, fenykepezogepek, stb.

    ezt ismeri mindenki, ok gyartanak a fel vilagnak, koztuk az Apple-nek is

    Samsung Heavy Industries: hajok, tankok, munkagepek, daruk, furotornyok, stb.

    Samsung Life Insurance: elet es egeszsegbiztositas, megtakaritasi betetek, stb.

    Samsung C&T Corporation:
    Engineering & Construction Group (epitoipar es mernoki tevekenyseg): felhokarcolok, hidak, alagutak, autopalyak, kikotok, metrovonalak, gatak, eromuvek (atom), stb.
    Trading & Investment Group: kereskedelem es befeketetes
    Fashion Group: divat ipar
    Resort & Construction Group: ingatlan es kivitelezes

    Samsung SDS: These include consulting services (Business Strategy and Discrete IT and Network Consulting); technical services (Packaged and Customized Application Integration, Hardware and Software Implementation and Support, and IT Education); and outsourcing services (Business Process Outsourcing, Application and IT Infrastructure Outsourcing and Network Infrastructure Management). SDS is expanding its business area by investing on R&D and emerging IT technologies such as Blockchain, AI, IOT and Engineering Outsourcing.

    Renault Samsung Motors: autogyartas

    Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance: automobile insurance, long-term insurance, general insurance (commercial lines), enterprise risk management

    Cheil Worldwide: marketing (advertising, public relations, shopper marketing, sports marketing, digital marketing)

    Ui: Szoval szinte mindenbe benne van a kezuk, ellentetben az Apple-lel. A Samsung meg 500 ev mulva is ismert lesz, mivel tobb labon all. De tobb masik azsiai, foleg japan ceg meg ugyan ilyen: Hyundai, Yamaha, stb.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    # sshnuke -rootpw="Z10N0101"

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