

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • fodin


    válasz Incognito #3042 üzenetére

    A rádiója nem RDS-es, nem is lesz az frissítéssel sem, csak az úgynevezett visual radio szolgáltatást tudná.

    Jelenleg a NSU (Nokia Software Update) az 5.10-es szoftot teszi, erről sokaknak az a véleménye, hogy a 4.91 jobb volt, viszont már kijött az 5.43, szerintem pár nap (hét) és az NSU-n is fenn lesz.

    A eddigi szoftverek changelogjai:

    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 4.91 to version 5.10:

    - The email address length value has been optimized
    - Sending and receiving MMS improved
    - Improved downloading of SMIL info
    - AM or PM added if 12-hour time format is used in Message details
    - Improved downloading with Opera browser
    - Browser functionality improved when Hebrew language used
    - Downloading Java games improved
    - Browser bookmarks updated in German menu
    - HTTP Loader Context creation improved
    - Improved transfer of DRM SD protected content
    - UAProfile updated
    - Font size setting option available in all variants
    - Echo cancellation improved when CK-7W hands free used
    - Dictionary application available in all variants
    - Video streaming improved
    - Downloading of 3GP file improved
    - Improved support for AMR file with Media Player
    - IMSI detach sent to network when powering off due to low battery
    - Operator name list updated

    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 4.52 to version 4.91:

    -Replying to MMS improved
    -In Hebrew functioning of predictive text input optimized
    -In Hebrew translation in messaging menu optimized
    -Displaying smileys when composing SMS improved
    -Receiving an Email from S60 phone improved
    -Remaining counter in the SMS editor added
    -Powering up the phone optimized
    -Wording in Sudoku game, when puzzle is completed changed
    -Call waiting tone in HS-23 headset optimized
    -Active standby layout optimized in some SIM cards
    -Installing a Midlet with a Jad file of 10 KB improved
    -When browsing in some web pages “Memory Full” text is changed to
    “Invalid Web Address”
    -IMSI detach is sent to network because of low battery
    -Scrolling bigger than about 12Kb XHTML pages improved
    -Compatibilty of Bluetooth to other phones improved
    -Displaying some operator name in idle mode improved

    Changes/improvement made from MCU SW version 4.52 to version 4.54:

    - Connectivity
    - Video streaming improved
    - Information that an online connection will be established improved
    - Disappearing HomeZone indication during browsing in Internet optimized
    - Some operator specific E-mail submenu improved
    - Operator list updated

    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.70 to version 4.52:

    Call and network management
    - Making a voice call when using the speed dial improved
    - The redial function improved when making a video call to non 3G device
    - Timing of displaying the number after the call is answered improved
    - Functioning of DTMF tones improved

    - Displaying the note when a OMA download fails improved
    - Video streaming improved
    - Disappearing HomeZone indication during browsing in Internet optimized
    - For SVG images Unicode support improved
    - Displaying background pictures when editing MMS's improved
    - Functioning of the device when trying to stream audio in an unsupported frequency improved
    - Updated Pre-installed MIDlet versions
    - World clock, E-mail, Rally 3D, Snake III, Soccer 3D
    - Operator list updated

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák