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  • Tomi_Sci


    válasz Teasüti #3812 üzenetére

    Italian threading is a curious mixture of metric and British. Diameters are specified in millimeters, but threads are in threads-per-inch! In addition, the thread angle is 55 degrees, as with the obsolete British Whitworth system, rather than 60 degrees as with U.S. and metric threads.

    Italian freewheel and headset threads are the same as British/ISO, except for the thread angle difference. They may be interchanged, but you should not go back-and-forth between Italian and British/ISO headsets. -- Sheldon Brown

    Italian headsets are virtually the same as ISO. The crown race ID is 26.5mm rather than 26.4mm and the threads are a tiny bit different, but ISO headsets are so close that they work absolutely perfectly on Italian frames.
    - Velo Orange

    Úgy tűnik pedig, hogy mások sikerrel alkalmazzák az ISO-t olaszon. Gyakorlatilag olasz=whitworth menet?

    Hirdetéseim: https://hardverapro.hu/aprok/hirdeto/tomi_sci/index.html

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