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  • SkyS1gn


    válasz Snip3r_HUN #29848 üzenetére

    De tényleg ahogy nézem paracelen a fű úgy néz ki ahogy mutatják..

    Ultrán nálam is ilyen:

    Elvileg lowon vagy mediumon ilyen lesz :Y

    Te jézusúristen... :DDD

    1. When you join a Multiplayer game-server, make sure that Terrain Decoration is set to 'Ultra', deploy and then leave the game-server.

    2. If you re-enter the same or another Multiplayer game-server, make sure that Terrain Decoration is now set to 'Medium' (on Windows 8) or 'Low' (on Windows 7), deploy and stuff will look good again:

    3. However, once you quit the game-server and then re-enter the same or another one it'll look bad again:

    This means, that right now you must remember to set Terrain Decoration to 'Ultra' each time you leave a game-server, and set it back to 'Medium' (on Windows 8) or 'Low' (on Windows 7) once you re-enter it :( "

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Tech addict, $TSLA and Tesla owner, geek.

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