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  • Cucuska2


    válasz Cucuska2 #15073 üzenetére

    Elnézést, kifutottam.

    ,,Back to original firmware
    WARNING: Only perform the dd action below if your original firmware has the word "boot " in it , for
    example, wr1043 nv1_en _3_9 _17_up_boot (091118) .bin . Please do not dd your original firmware if it has
    no "boot" in its name for example, wr1043 nv1_en _3_11_5 _up( 100427). bin, because if you do, you will
    brick your router! This was confirmed by supertom64
    Cut the first 0x20200 bytes from original firmware
    dd if=orig.bin of=tplink .bin skip=257 bs=512
    and flash via uboot or mtd.
    The above commands are not needed if your firmware does not have the word boot in it , so you can use it
    to flash via uboot or mtd immediately. i.e.
    mtd -e firmware -r write /tmp /fwimage.bin firmware
    The official firmware can be found at: http:/ /www .tp-link. com/support /download .asp?a =1 &m=TL
    %2D WR1043ND .''

    Ez jó lesz, tanácsoltok valamit mellé?

    Rock and stone, to the bone! Leave no dwarf behind!

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák