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  • Alex91


    válasz BLOODSHOT #2296 üzenetére

    Unfortunately at this point there's no LCD or button support for Mac users, as Logitech still has yet to port their LCD Manager software to OS X. Unfortunately, Mac users or people hooking the speakers up to MP3 players and other analog devices through the 3.5mm jack won't have much to see outside of the level adjustments and a large "Z-10" text display during idle sessions. This eyesore can optionally be turned off by pressing the display button, although personally I'd rather see a graphic visualizer displayed to give the Z-10 a little more zest.

    Szoval valoban ramegy, csak eppen a display nem mukszik, ha jol ertem...

    (Szerintem az LCD miatt magasabb az ara...)

    Dicsõséges nagyurak, hát Hogy vagytok? Viszket-e ugy egy kicsit a Nyakatok? Uj divatu nyakravaló Készül most Számotokra... nem cifra, de Jó szoros.

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