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    válasz pit stop #35 üzenetére

    New information about the case shows that the courts have not found HTC to be liable for the use of the ST Microelectronics microphones used in the HTC One. Court documents show that Nokia and ST Microelectronics signed a contract which gives Nokia 12 months exclusivity on the microphone chips, but there was a misunderstanding over when the exclusivity deal was set to begin. Since the Nokia 720 was the first Nokia phone to use the chip, the courts have ruled that Nokia has exclusive rights to the technology until February of 2014. Since HTC is not at fault, the courts will allow HTC to sell the HTC One in the Netherlands as long as the devices have already been imported into the country.

    Tehát aki 2014 februárjáig akar HTC One-t értékesíteni, annak más chipesnek kell lennie. De ahogyan értelmeztem, ez csak Hollandiára érvényes. Szerintem. Lehet, hogy más chip-je lesz

    Én nem akarom, hogy késsen! Nagyon jó telefonnak ígérkezik, és már úgy is nagyon le akarom cserélni a mostanit.

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