Sony Ericsson W302 - very few changes


Okay, it’s not the exact same as W890 has been. It’s a bit less, the contents of the box is the first minor disappointment: we don’t get the in-ear headset which made the Walkman series – besides other small things – famous. But this is available in silver and black as well, we had the shinier one – wouldn’t want even my enemies try to take a picture of this; it’s a real pain.

SE W302

It’s not ugly. Of course the design resembles a brick again, which is spiced up by the circle navigation buttons, but the materials used are elegant, and the brushed front is still cool. The OK key and the music player button are a bit like copper (but of course they wanted them to resemble gold), such as the bit darker panel on the bottom of the phone, which has the well-known Walkman logo on it.

SE W302

The changes related to the display are also more negative, as it’s only 176 x 220 pixels large, but it has a diagonal of 2”, which is larger, just as large as the QVGA screen of W890, which has been used as a donor. The display is still not bad, it’s nice and clear, we should just forget what it resembles.

SE W302

The buttons are fat grains of rice, they are a bit too hard for me, but this is not surprising to see from the manufacturer. There is no problem with the layout, the keyboard is logical and easy to use. The unprotected data connector is on the left again (some people like it, but most of the users hate it), it’s still Sony Ericsson’s proprietary, although some kind of USB hole would be good nowadays, not mentioning the missing 3.5 mm headphone jack. On the left side there is a golden Walkman key as well. On the right there is the camera’s exposure key and the volume control keys.

SE W302

On the bottom the handset is almost completely flat; there is only a small dent. We should only insert our huge nails under this if we want to take the very plastic back off, as this is the only way to do it. The white panel with holes has a Walkman logo, a company logo and an unmarked camera; it’s simple, but not disgusting. I have no complaints about quality; W302 is just fine to hold in our hands.

A cikk még nem ért véget, kérlek, lapozz!


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