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    válasz D.Orion #42745 üzenetére

    Szerintem komolyan gondolják... :U Overlord nem először írt hasonlót ezt a problémár firtató kérdésekre a Q&A-ban.

    modra: Állítólag azért van, mert most már nincs megkülönböztetve a 0 sebzéses kritikus találattól. Kivették a kritikus sebzést jelző csilingelést, helyére a Penetration! felkiáltás került... A 7.3-ban visszatér majd a csengettyű --> Probléma megoldva!

    Province fanoknak:

    Q: "Both new maps does not offer realistic useable ways to use maneuvers to win, they are both slugging maps. Like Komarin you move into a position early in a battle and the for the rest of the fight its a question of which side are able to be bored the most, they will win.
    There are no ways to flank the enemy team or do a quick push in any area so the maps just become boring slugfests.
    Province is by far the worst, the chat channels always get filled with hate messages to the map every time you are put there. The US map you can see that there were an intention to use the low water areas for maneuvers but they are too open to be used effectively, the enemy team can just camp and prevent any movement there.

    OL: "Thinking of removing or changing the Province map." -- Nem ellenezném..

    De ha már Province:

    Battle: Province 2012. április 14. 16:01:37
    Vehicle: SU-100
    Experience received: 5 505 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 26 238
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun

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