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  • KPepe

    senior tag

    válasz Ádibádi #20 üzenetére

    Ha nem megy a kliens, akkor hogy akarod kipróbálni? Single player mód még nincs benne, csak multi, és ahhoz tegnap adták ki a javításokat.

    Full integration from the game's main development branch, reflecting many changes to the game's code base. Only the highlights are included here.
    Several color, prop, texture, normal map and effects adjustments throughout the game.
    Several animation and animation speed adjustments throughout the game.
    General game balance adjustments to several units. Highlights are included below.
    General cleanup to lobby code; Game will not launch unless everyone has established connections to everyone else. Ranked game lobby now based on established connections instead of Ready checks.
    When all players are ready, host can no longer change any options.
    Enable/disable launch button based on all players ready.
    Disable observe button when ready is checked.
    Chat edit acquires focus when entering lobby.
    Fixed allied chat so team members are talking to each other appropriately.
    Fixed most desynch issues related to older AMD processors when playing against other players with different processors.
    Cybran Gunship – slight decrease to rocket damage.
    Slight global increase to adjacency bonus.
    Transport beacons will not count towards unit cap
    Added 'Upgradeable' ability to T1 and T2 Mass Extractors
    Added 'Upgradeable' ability to all T1 and T2 Aeon Radar, Sonar, and Factories
    Added 'Upgradeable' ability to UEF T1 and T2 Radar, Sonar, Factories, and Shields
    Added 'Upgradeable' ability to all Cybran T1 and T2 Radars, Sonars, and Factories
    Scathis now part of land formations.
    T2 Cybran Amphibious Tank – decreased rocket and torpedo damage
    T4 UEF Fatboy – slight increase to railgun damage; increased refuel rate,
    Global decrease adjustment to T1 bot health.
    All refueling stations had their attraction range increases -- planes running on fumes will find a refueling station within a larger range.
    Cybran Cruiser -- refuel rate added
    T3 Cybran Bomber -- stealth turned off by default.
    Engineers will now build factories if the ACU dies in a non-assassination game against the AI.
    The engineering drone on the UEF SCU now works like the UEF ACU; if you killed the SCU’s pod, you'd have to remove the enhancement, now it'll remove automatically.
    T1 Aeon Light Tank – increased damage radius.
    Global increase to ACU resource allocation econ cost.
    Speeded up nuke damage to catch ACUs in wider radius.
    Reduced damage of the Aeon and UEF scouts
    T2 UEF Cruiser – slight increase to rate of fire.
    All non-experimental subs now die instantly rather than sink.
    Aeon SCU's Stability Suppressant and UEF's High Explosive Ordinance will now remove correctly if you remove the enhancement.
    Energy cost increase to almost all upgrades to better limit when players can access them.
    All units now lose intel abilities when they are killed rather when they are removed from the world.
    Upgrade econ adjustment for SCU due to higher base build rate, and increased econ cost for stealth on Cybran ACU and SCU.
    Increased the rate the ACU and SCU shields regenerate.

    Addresses performance issues with chat starting to lag after being on GPGNet for a certain amount of time.
    New Feature: GPGNet will exit you from a chatroom after being inactive for a certain period of time.
    You can now get Clan profiles from Clan rankings.
    Fixed crashing that could occur when exiting Supreme Commander and returning to GPGNet.
    Draws or mutual destruction no longer result in a win for one player.

    Nagyjából ennyi. :D

    A tüzérség előtt minden és mindenki egyenlő. A föld színével.

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