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  • scarabaeus


    válasz DrojDtroll #1645 üzenetére

    Csak úgy szerepel tagline gyűjteményekben.

    Gondolom, a lyukkártya miatt:
    "An interesting historical footnote to the origins of sequence numbers in columns 73-80: This practice started because the on-line card readers for the 704, 709, 7090 and 7094 computers read cards only in 'row binary' format, reading cards row-by-row into 12 pairs of 36-bit words (2x36=72). The reader was not capable of reading more than 72 of the 80 columns of a card, so early compilers and assemblers, such as Fortran and FAP, could only 'see' those 72 columns. Row binary was converted into BCD character codes via software. A wire-jumper control panel in the reader selected which 72 columns were input, but of course the 'default' was to use one that was wired for columns 1-72. The remaining columns, being ignored, were a good place to put sequence numbers as 'deck-dropping insurance'. Later systems for source-code maintenance exploited the sequence numbers as a method of identifying card-images, in systems where all 80 columns were readable, such as when jobstreams were transferred from card to tape, typically by using an IBM 1401."
    Innen: IBM Card Sorters

    Mindenesetre át lehet érezni, mekkora szabadság, 80 lyukig is használható a lyukkártya, tehát az egész rendszer is jó :) Az idézetről régebben én úgy gondoltam, biztos valamilyen korábbi rendszer texteditora 72 karaktert használhatott 80 karakteres képernyőn, az illető utána egy unixos editor adta a szabadságot örökítette meg, de aztán a lyukkártyás értelmezés valószínűbbnek tűnt.

    Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

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