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  • Chabe89


    Egy kis olvasnivaló.

    Pár érdekesség ami engem érdekelt belőle:

    Q: Will the ships keep their gimmicks (Baltimore heal, N-O radar,...)

    A:Only the final testing can decide that with 100% probability. Very likely, the Baltimore will not keep it's heal, N-O won't keep it's radar if it depends on Sub, but it will need testing. The recent buffs to the ships will be reverted to a degree, and their HP-pool will decrease to make them fit in their new downtiered position.

    Q:Pensacola, will it get its torpedo-launchers (or any other cruisers)

    A:AFAIK, the launchers are added where they were historically used (only aimable, not the fixed hull-launched). Buffalo will very likely get them because they were planned. But torpedoes are not a focus of the US cruiser line, and is considered a balancing factor, together with the ballistics.

    Q:the US-cruiser split: WHEN?!?

    A:Let's not announce the exact update, but they want to release them in the first half of 2018, nothing more specific as of now. Plenty of time still to grind to the "optimal position" to get the most out of the split. For the time being, the split will be handled for the most part as the RU/JP DD split, so with plenty of free stuff for the players if they happen to have a lot of cruisers. Most of the ships will be towntiered, except the Cleveland which will move up. You won't lose any progress, with camo's being doubled, and ships being doubled if applicable. But the definite info will happen on the patchnotes of the update where the split will happen.

    Q:And Cleveland to T8, what will it entail?

    A:The Cleveland is in a wrong place currently, it's ahead of the T6-"era", so they will "un-nerf" it to fit it at T8, and it will do just fine.

    Q:US-CV carrier rework

    A:The change is community-driven, and by the distorted balance between US-JP Carriers, and the complaints of "sky-cancer". They wanted to offer variety in the loadouts, but it did not work as it should. It took a bit long to fix, and they're sorry for that, but they still managed to still squeeze it in, and will very likely come in 2017 (next 1,2,3 updates or so. Really soon, without the TM).

    Q:How far are the Pan-Asian DD's in terms of balancing, when can we expect them?

    A:Soon (TM). Probably next update or next 2 updates. Devs are currently very happy with how they work out, so they're ripe for release.

    Q:What are your plans with the Musashi?

    A:Let's speculate: they don't sell T9-10 premium ships for money, the reward ship for clan wars is already known, and there is no ranked battles planned, so... by deduction you can "guess" pretty accurate what the plan for Musashi is. (Kezdjétek gyűjteni a FreeXP-t :D )

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