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  • thesound


    Régen néztem már filmet. Perfect Days.
    "The film is set in modern day Tokyo and succeeds in showing both stunning visuals and the pacifist simple approach in life by Hirayama, who's a mere toilet cleaner but manages to teach us so much about how life is something that should be enjoyed, every day cherished and molded into a version that is as perfect as possible and how little we actually need to be happy and stay mentally healthy.

    It's an ode to how everything we encounter, from sickness to physical pain is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and how everyone is just a human, regardless of ethnicity and color, invalidating the concept of nationalism, putting the individual and their mental self-preservation first."

    Remélem sokan átérzik, hogy mitől is távolodtunk el. Mivé manipuláljuk magunkat.
    Bőduletes, tűéles pontosság. Nincs megfejtés, nincs múlt, nincs jövő, csak tökéletes napok.

    "The world is made-up of many worlds. Some are connected some are not. [...] Next time is next time. Now is now."

    The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun
    (Lou Reed Perfect Days-e már foglalt)

    Vannak a léleknek régiói, melyekbe csak a zene világít be. - Kodály Zoltán

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