
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • mikromanus


    Kis összesítő a torment only tartalomról:
    "Torment Only Legendaries
    •Natalya's Vengeance
    •Immortal King's Call
    •Tal Rasha's Elements
    •Inna's Mantra
    •Zunimassa's Haunt
    •The Legacy of Raekor*
    •Firebird's Finery*
    •Embodiment of the Marauder*
    •Raiment of a Thousand Storms*
    •Raiment of the Jade Harvester
    •Armor of Akkhan*
    •Monkey King's Garb
    •Thorns of the Invoker
    •Vyr's Amazing Arcana
    •The Shadow's Mantle
    •Might of the Earth
    •Helltooth Harness*
    Items marked with * are class-specific, and cannot be equipped by other classes regardless of item type.

    Legendary Potions
    •Bottomless Potion of the Tower
    •Bottomless Potion of the Diamond
    •Bottomless Potion of Regeneration
    •Bottomless Potion of the Leech
    •Bottomless Potion of Mutilation
    •Bottomless Potion of Kulle-Aid
    Follower Legendaries
    •Hand of the Prophet
    •Smoking Thurible
    •Ribald Etchings
    •Skeleton Key
    •Relic of Akarat
    •Enchanting Favor
    Misc. Items
    •The Slanderer
    •Little Rogue
    •Shard of Hate
    •Lut Socks
    Horadric Cache Only
    Act I
    •Mad Monarch's Scepter
    •Ring of Royal Grandeur
    •Pauldrons of the Skeleton King
    •Golden Gorget of Leoric
    •Sanguinary Vambraces
    Act II
    •Coven's Criterion
    •Gloves of Worship
    •Cloak of Deception
    •Illusory Boots
    Act III
    •Burst of Wrath
    •Boots of Disregard
    •Pride's Fall
    •Envious Blade
    •Avarice Band
    •Insatiable Belt
    •Overwhelming Desire
    Act IV
    Act IV Horadric Caches have a chance to drop Horadric Cache items from any Act.

    Act V
    •Death's Bargain
    •Pandemonium Loop"

    A forrás forrása

    edit: Lut Socks korábban esett kadalától is. Vagy változott most, vagy meg vannak zavarodva a "kékek".

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Battletag: Mikroman#2277 - "Népszerüsítő" videók: http://www.youtube.com/user/Mikromanus SC2: Mikroman #288 Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mikromanus

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák