
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • drk88

    senior tag

    Hero scrore számítás:

    Heroscore aggregates all important hero unbuffed stats:
    - DPS
    - Effecitve HP
    - Life Replenishment
    - Class-specific Resource stats

    Most of the value comes from DPS and EHP with some addition of Life Replenishment and Resource.

    Current formula is looking like this:
    dps*K_DPS + sqrt(ehp)*K_EHP + life_repl*K_LIFE_REPL + resource*K_RESOURCE

    All the values are unbuffed.

    Life Replenishment includes Life per Kill, Life on Hit, Life Regen and Life steal.

    Resource includes:
    - Maximum Fury (barbarian)
    - Hatred Regen, Max Discipline (demon hunter)
    - Spirit Regen (monk)
    - Mana Regen, Maximum Mana (witch doctor)
    - AP per Crit, Maximum AP (wizard)

    We may review this formula in future.

    Heroscore now counts +Exp% gem (red color) in you helm.
    Red and purple (+Life%) gems grant equal amount of score.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák